
What Are the Benefits of Swimming for Kids?

What Are the Benefits of Swimming for Kids? While many people view swimming as an exercise or recreation, swimming properly and safely is, in fact, a highly valuable and life-saving skill that it is important to learn. Here are a few of the many benefits children experience by learning to swim. At Evolution Swim, [...]

May is Drowning Prevention Awareness Month

We are all humans. We do make mistakes and yes, it can happen to you. No matter how careful we are, all it takes is a 30-second distraction to send us into panic mode because we cannot locate a child. Even worse is not being able to locate them when there is a body of [...]

Being a Product of the System

For the past decade, I have been hard at work creating a system that will provide many advantages to the swimmers and families that choose to be a part of it. A system that can provide quality and appropriate programming for infants and beyond. Evolution Swim Academy has been successful in producing safer swimmers and [...]

Chlorine: Good or bad for our swimmers?     

When clients come to our facility and ask if we have a salt water pool, we are not quite sure what to answer. It’s not an easy question to respond to. We get what our clients are asking but the answer is a bit more complicated than you would imagine. Let me start by detailing [...]

Find Your Freedom At Evolution Swim Academy

You may have noticed over the past few weeks that we have been using the catch phrase “Find Your Freedom.” If you look at our social media channels or on our website homepage, “Find Your Freedom” is prominently displayed as a graphic of one of our students taking flight. The same graphic can be seen [...]

A Story about Swim Parents: In Hindsight

I was blessed to have had a career in swimming which allowed me to travel the world and most important, to obtain an education that may have been out of reach had it not been for the financial support from Arizona State University in exchange for my skills in the pool. My swim career did [...]

Infinite Potential

Infinite Potential An interesting thought arose as I was talking with one of my clients this morning. I am an Olympic swimmer (2008 & 2012) and I currently run a project called RISE Elite, a mentorship platform which connects young athletes with Olympians to learn and train on the mental aspects of sport. When I [...]

Breast Cancer Awareness & Pink Goggles

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and you would be hard-pressed to find someone who has not been affected by this deadly, unfair, nasty, disease that affects many of us at the hearts of our families. Just this morning, I ran into one of our reps at the local grocery store and in jest I [...]

Americans Love Swimming

Did you watch the Summer Olympic Games in Rio? You may not have watched as much as I did but I bet you caught at least a bit of the “show?” After watching the Games, one thing is for sure, Americans love swimming. I felt it more this year than in years past. Even Ryan [...]

The Swimming Olympic Trials – The Super Bowl of Swimming

  Omaha, NE became the center of the swimming universe last week as it hosted the selection meet for the United States Swimming Olympic Team. I had an opportunity to take my oldest daughter to an event that we both hope and look forward to her attending in four years, as an athlete and not [...]

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