
Not Making a Bad Problem Worse

Over the past four and a half months the world has changed and may never go back to what it once was. Coronavirus is just the beginning of it as 2020 will go down as one of the most historic years of this country’s history. One thing that will stick with me for a long [...]

May is Drowning Prevention Awareness Month

We are all humans. We do make mistakes and yes, it can happen to you. No matter how careful we are, all it takes is a 30-second distraction to send us into panic mode because we cannot locate a child. Even worse is not being able to locate them when there is a body of [...]

Connecting With Clients

This past week I was reminded on two separate occasions that connecting with my clients is not so much about selling as it is about connecting. The first conversation I had was with a client who was patiently watching her daughter transition from being a timid and fearful student to a confident student ready to transition to semi-private [...]

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